

Friday, September 4, 2009

To Mum with Love

God's Angel
A friend shared a beautiful story about a “conversation” between God and a soul of a baby in Heaven just before it was sent to Earth. God promises the baby that it will be accompanied by an angel who will love, protect, teach and guide it throughout its childhood. And when asked what the baby should call the angel, God revealed the name of the angel as “Mother”.

Looking at myself
That really jolted me because I started questioning all the things I have done as a mum in the name of discipline which was not anything close to angelic. Yes, it was all in my effort to help make them better human beings, but most times, I had allowed emotions to run havoc. The harsh words uttered in anger, the hurt inflicted even though not deliberate…what kind of an angel am I? Am I really worthy of the glorious significance of the position? I guess it is not too late to ask for God’s forgiveness and also to forgive myself and discover how I can reach an exalted status in this role.

Thinking of my mum
It was not difficult also to shift my thoughts to my mum who is now frail and bed-ridden. In her hey days, she was also a fire-breathing dragon. I am exaggerating. She was acclaimed to have mastered the “dripping water on the stone “ philosophy. She can nag at you until she gets what she wants, and when you think you are off the hook, she has something else for you to slog on…

It was all out of love
But now that she is afflicted with Alzheimer and cannot even ask of anything from me, I long to hear her nagging, her mild scolding, her incessant reminders to be careful and to watch out for every possible ambush life tend to throw our way . I used to think that her promptings were bordering on paranoia but now I realize that she had only be doing her best to fulfill God’s mission. It must really be arduous, being an angel to someone with my disposition – stubborn, opinionated, and strong-willed. And on top of it, she has 13 others which demanded the same of her. Considering all the trials and tribulations she has been through, she now deserves peace, tranquility and love.
Dear God, please bless her as richly as she deserves, for her precious love and guidance which I took for granted...